Diaun Does Life

Hi, I’m Diaun! Here you’ll find entries from my personal diary, poetry and more! I look forward to sharing my story and connecting with you on a personal level.

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  • Unsent Letters

    Have you ever written a letter to someone without sending it?Did it feel so good? You just wanted to bathe in it? Sometimes I forget, I fall in love with love… real hopeless romantic shitNeglecting to see who stands before me, without my projections My artistic rendition that secures my intention of becoming everything they…

  • April Fools

    What do you do when it’s a beautiful day outside and your birthday is tomorrow but all you want to do is cry? I feel alone.  I want to be celebrated but who really wants to celebrate me? I know I can do for myself, make myself a cake, go skating but I feel alone….

  • Get to Know You

    He said, I want to grow to know places in you that I never knew I could touch. Just give me a little time and I’ll open up. Eventually becoming more comfortable with you Learning the things you like, hoping to add something new Have you ever been with a man like me before? I…

  • How to Love Me

    When I find someone with endless compatibility, I could only hope they’d ask how to love me.  Out of pure desire to love in the way, I best receive, they would sit and listen to all of my needs.  When I say quality time and physical touch, they won’t rush me into trying to fuck. …

  • I Hate Arguing

    When the one person you want to talk to doesn’t want to talk to you, what do you do? Laying here crying silent tears dreaming about a conversation that can’t be had. Is it my bad? Am I too emotional for you or do you not have the time for me to speak what’s on…

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    Welcome to DiaunDoesLife.com . This is my first post! Will edit later.

How it all started…

When I was younger, I had this idea about using my journal as a way to document history for generations to come. I would give each journal I wrote in a name, as if I was talking to a good friend. My first journal was Ryn… well, the first journal I still have in my possession (but we’ll get into that later). Ryn was a Christmas gift from my Stepmothers friend. I knew Ryn was special. Ryn is a beautiful black hard cover journal with floral imprinting along the binding. The edges of each page are lines with a metallic silver paint and is about 150 pages thick. It took me 11 years to finish. My next journal was Yelré, a personal black journal with gold floral designa all over. The pages are metallic gold lined. This one only took 6 months to fill up. Now I am currently writing in Oyé. Oyé is the first journal I purchased for myself and it was extremely difficult to pick. I knew I wanted a bigger journal and something with gold to honor Yelré. At the time, I was digging really deep into astrology and spirituality so I wanted my new journal to reflect that. Eventually, I found a soft blue velvet journal with shining gold inlays of the sun and the moon. As soon as I layer eyes on her I knew she was the one! I’m about halfway through with Oyé and she’s has served me well during my transitions.

I’ve written in each journal as if one day it would be found as some ancient relic or my entries would be publicized. That thought has now been materialized with this blog! I feel that I have so much to say about the life I’ve lived and the obstacles still to overcome. My main reason in starting this blog is to help my healing process. I’ve felt so much shame attached to my experiences and the biggest relief I’ve found is in being with community and those who can relate on some level. Thus, diaundoeslife.com was created! I hope this corner of the internet can serve as a sense of community and a reminder that you don’t have to do this thing alone.


Audiaunna “Diaun” Dooley

Writer & Survivor